10 questions for female orgasm sexes missed healthy fashion-陳世杰海角七號                                                      
2013-06-18 10:39 Source: pclady sea small leather

article REVIEW: in the process of sexual climax sprint,mulberry包包型錄, women should remember: she sits on the throne of the driver, you must own sexual satisfaction degree of responsibility.

unaware of their body: Many reports have pointed out that women have orgasms during masturbation probability is quite high. And masturbation is understood that "know" the main way your body, therefore, to ride with a partner madness, we must first understand ourselves.

get distracted: Many women in the Spring Night daughter moment, thinking too have become: how he saw me, it was okay with us, I am ready for orgasm yet? Thought to want to go about it, how perfect foreplay, with both abandoned.

foreplay brief: Some couples are impatient, did not give women enough time excited. In general, women need about 20 minutes before the show in order to enter into a substantive love state. Therefore, to explore various means to make her more comfortable, fully warmed up, is the climax of the necessary preparations.

sex only "do" out: sexologist Laura Borman pointed out that only 30% of women during sexual intercourse to achieve orgasm, while most women may need to stimulate other body sensitive parts can be achieved.

abandonment: for their lack of response and discouraged, fear can not achieve orgasm,mulberry包包型錄, so do not bother to try, with predictable results.

partner can not satisfy her: If you still can not go through all sorts of attempts to achieve orgasm, it is necessary to consider the problem is not your spouse. But do not blame him too much, but should strengthen communication and tell him what you want, how can we feel comfortable.

love suffice: female romantic love can inspire fanatical, but the climax does not depend on the frequency of love, but on the desire and sexual performance.

negative childhood victims of sex education: many people in the "sex is dirty" atmosphere of public opinion grew up in the face of sex often feel guilty, it is difficult to really enjoy that wonderful moment of passion.

will climax as the destination: the climax is just a part of sex, if we can have a good nature,10 questions for female orgasm sexes missed healthy fashion, if not in relation to lay down the burden, to enjoy every minute of tenderness.

hinder female orgasm include health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, such as women's clothing antidepressants can consult a doctor to solve this problem. Such as trying to use the new position with your spouse, exercise pelvic muscles. In the process of sexual climax sprint, women should remember: she sits on the throne of the driver, you must be responsible for their own sexual satisfaction.


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